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Post #942247

Voss Caltrez
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What didn't you like about TFA? SPOILERS
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Date created
14-May-2016, 5:44 PM

Tyrphanax said:

SilverWook said:

How many times are we going to have to rehash why the Resistance exists?


Yeah, I have no clue why people have so much trouble with the Resistance. It was obvious to me just from reading the crawl and watching various scenes in the movie that the whole idea is that there’s what amounts to a cold war going on between the New Republic and various fractured Imperial Remnants (because there’s no way a Galactic Empire on a thousand worlds just ends after one battle on a forest moon), most notably the First Order, and since the New Republic can’t/doesn’t want to openly wage war against the First Order, the Resistance popped up with under-the-table Republic support. It’s that simple and was adequately explained in the film, as adequately as the Imperial Senate and the Empire’s role in the galaxy in the original Star Wars.

People complained about all the exposition and political drama in the PT and after leaving TFA I feel like a lot of those same people were saying “I wish there was more exposition and political drama!”

Good points. I do remember the part where Hux says, “the Republic is supporting the Resistance.” So it explains the proxy war part. But what I didn’t get was any kind of idea that there were planets that were NOT part of the Republic, and were under the protection of “The First Order.” I only remember seeing the First Order being on the Star Killer Base. I never got the idea that they had established worlds, planets, or systems under their control. If anything, it felt like The First Order were the rebels/resistance/terrorists. I mean, if there are still remnants of systems or planets who resist the New Republic, why resort to kidnapping children and brainwashing them to be your soldiers? Wouldn’t you have volunteers, or at the very least, conscription from the planets you rule? It’s possible that not all the stormtroopers are kidnapped as children, but it heavily implies that by having

Does The Resistance comprise of people who live on the First Order controlled planets?
And if they’re proxy fighters, why do they look JUST LIKE the rebels from the OT? Shouldn’t they have different colored uniforms, and different looking star ships? I suppose the New Republic is supplying them, but then, how can it be in secret then? Why does the First Order use The Empire’s insignia? If they are remnants, shouldn’t they continue calling themselves The Empire, and the true ruling governing power in the galaxy, and consider The New Republic illegitimate? Or if they are like a defeated Nazi-Germany, wouldn’t they the New Republic demand that they stop using the Swastika-like insignia of the Empire?