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Post #940225

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Help: looking for... Special Editions minus controversial/stupid changes?
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Date created
9-May-2016, 2:51 AM

darthrush said:

I might be one of the few people in this universe who actually likes non purist additions by adywan like the emperors theme on the Death Star or the new music for obi vs Vader.

And by the end of the week, I’ll throw up my edit. I think of it more like a hybrid though, borrowing the best elements of all edits for a seamlessly improved experience like what the recent AOTC Sanded Down edit was.

My main problem with Revisited wasn’t the added music, but the fact that no physical editing to the Darth v Obi fight itself was done. Prowse and Guinness had to work with very fragile props and so the scene suffered from that. It still baffles me to this day Lucas had no motivation to edit the fight in a way that would at least improve the choreography. If I had the software and time, that scene would at the top of my list to fix.