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Post #938570

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Date created
4-May-2016, 7:24 PM

xxtelecine 7xx said:

adywan said:

towne32 said:

It will be sad to lose you.

However, I have definitely been thinking the same thing, lately. Though it’s not related to the specific incident you describe, TFA brought in a huge influx of trolls and bigots. The latter have been especially loud in recent times, as they feel that they are standing up for themselves as the ‘anti-PC’, when 2+ years ago we would have just called them regular assholes (most of us still do). I still really like talking about the technical stuff with everyone here, but there’s no doubt that it’s becoming an increasingly unpleasant place. If I don’t leave, or at least take a break, I’ll probably see myself banned for a response of mine.

That’s partly the reason i need to take a step back away from this site. I’ve got a lot going on at the moment which is causing me a lot of stress. I have some serious financial problems that i can’t see being able to sort out any time soon. Then there is the added pressure of finishing the edit. People have waited way too long for me to finish this and i don’t want to keep disappointing them, especially when its so close to being finished. It is all getting on top of me. Coming here used to be a way for me to de-stress. To have fun and discuss topics with like minded people. But that seems to have gone lately. It’s one big argument after another and not in the fun way. I’m finding that its all just got too much for me and that i have started to find the slightest thing is making me feel angry and aggressive towards certain people. That is not me and i really don’t mean to be that way. The last time i felt this way was when my parents died and i snapped at the slightest thing and fell out with people who really didn’t deserve to be spoken to like i did at the time. If i don’t leave now i could end up saying or doing something i regret. Maybe if i can sort out the problems in my life i can go back to the way i was and not let all the crap happening here get to me so much. But something needed to be done.

But the last thing i want is for people to leave this site just because i’m stepping back. Hopefully the crap will stop. I love this site. i have had many great times here with everyone. A few bad apples wouldn’t usually make me feel the need to leave, but it has become just too much. Jay and all the mods here have always been nothing but fair and i apologise for my recent outburst. Something needed to be said though. But today will be my last day here. At least for the foreseeable future. I’d rather remember this site for all the good times and great people than for the crap thats been going on lately. It has nothing to do with newbies coming to the site, but more about the attitudes. we have had new members coming thoughout my time here and 99% of the time they have been welcomed with open arms. But now it seems like a majority of the latest influx is only here to be assholes. At least, in the past, when someone had gone too far with something they have said, they have apologised and let things move on. Hell, there have been many fallings out yet most seem to be able to be resolved quite quickly and things just moved on. now it seems that its one fight after another that just escalates and never dies. Not the best place for me to be right now.

so, i’m going to step back, finish this bottle of Southern Comfort and prey to vader ( i’m not religious 😉 ) that i can sort this financial shit out sooner rather than later and start feeling myself once again ( and not in an imperialscum doing his taxes sort of way 😉 )


I already am working on some compositing for HAL 9000 for his TFA Cut.

What is Hal9000 gonna be doing for his edit?