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Post #933801

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Help Wanted: Star Wars The Force Awakens: 1986 Edition
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Date created
23-Apr-2016, 8:49 PM

Lord Haseo said:

With the exception of Poe and Chewie no there is not. Unless you want to include Phasma, Snoke and Hux.


Also you started the TFA bashing so don’t even…

Cough… Rey.
And I made an offhanded joke, I wasn’t the one to start a whole discussion on it.

Look, TFA is not a bad film and I think everyone who flat out says it’s crap without giving a reason isn’t worth debating anyway. However I feel TFA is an immensely disappointing film.
I’m not defending the prequels, but Lucas tried very hard to make something new and exciting; it had the similar story beats to ANH, but it was its own film.
Could it have been executed better? For sure. Does it have flaws? Definitely.
However at least it was a new Star Wars film.

No matter which way you spin it, Disney/Lucasfilm went with the absolute laziest, safest approach they possibly could to rebooting the franchise because they cared more about $$$ than artistic merit. That’s fair enough, they’re a company, they want money, but it doesn’t mean people have to like it.
The light backstory of TFA about Luke’s Jedi Temple is about a thousand times more interesting than what we got.
There are some cool ideas in TFA, but it’s not enough to make up for the rest.