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Post #932818

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Wish Me Luck, Wish Me Something - Tomorrow Is An Important Date.
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Date created
21-Apr-2016, 1:10 PM

Well, how do I approach this?

It turns out that the last bit of my day wasn’t at all what I expected. I don’t really want to talk about it, but I will quote a very dear friend – I had a guy who broke my heart and took a bit of me with him. Needless to say at this point but I will anyway, he was my best friend, for 10 years in fact.

I was angrier than I thought I could ever be at anyone, but I woke up feeling absolutely nothing at all, which is weird considering the state I was in last night. It’s better, I think, for myself at least, not to feeling any emotion than feel what I had have been nearly a month now.

I did mention needing a drink earlier in my post, but I could never become an alcoholic because alcohol quite honestly makes me emotional and I should probably stay away from anything that does this.

Besides, I would be looking for something to suppress what I’m feeling, not bring them center stage.
I started out saying I wouldn’t say much but, it is what it is –