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Post #932423

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Help: looking for... E.T. 20th Anniversary Edition in HD? (with info)
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Date created
20-Apr-2016, 4:58 PM

Right, its just one final version no workprints or v2.0 or v2.5 etc its not really even a fan edit its just an HD upgrade of the 20th anniversary version for people like myself who want both versions in the best possible quality I feel that way for all films for that matter, which strangely enough its called the directors cut on movie censorship, I much prefer just calling it the 20th anniversary edition, are all the sources in place at this point ? the only one I could think of as being absent is the 20th anniversary 5.1 DTS track, then again isn’t that included in the 720p version ? if not the dvd is very easy to find, then all that would need to be done is to rip the tracks their are 2 on their I just checked ones the DTS and the others Digital Dolby but they are the same track, but I assume we’re going with the DTS 5.1 track for this

also should we start thinking up names for this release, I think it should be called something other than the “20th anniversary HD”