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Post #932323

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Star Wars: Rogue One - * Non Spoiler Discussion Thread *
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Date created
20-Apr-2016, 2:35 PM

Honestly I’m a little disappointed in the trailer, but that’s really because my expectations for this movie were kind of goofy.
I was REALLY REALLY hoping for some Star Wars x James Bond action with a rogue-ish Rebel infiltrating the Empire and charming their way to the plans in a very cheesy, yet believable way. This is okay too though, I like action. My only two real complaints about the trailer is that the asian guy with the wooden stick beating up the Stormtrooper fully dressed in armor seemed a little TOO goofy, but maybe it’s a “vibrostick”. Also Forest Whitaker’s speech was really bad. Not the actual contents of the speech, but the delivery was kind of horrible. One small thing I’d like to mention is the “This is a rebellion isn’t it? I rebel.” sounded a little weird to me, but I can’t explain why. I let out a small chuckle when I first heard it.
I really hope this has a decent soundtrack too.