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Last web series/tv show seen — Page 68


I watched the first season of Charmed over the last week. It’s a moderately entertaining show, and Marie Holly Combs is cute as a button, but the writing’s pretty vapid; I don’t feel compelled to watch any further seasons.

With that out of the way, I’ve now begun watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Suffice it to say, all the teenaged characters are rather annoying – Willow excepted – but Giles is a gas, and I love every scene he’s in. I think I’m going to be sticking with this series.


“Vinyl” 9/10
Wow this series got off to a powerful start. Fantastic production values and dripping with Scorsese’s style.
I’m hooked!

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


Home Movies

Effing HILARIOUS. H. Jon Benjamin is fantastic in this. I love him in Archer as well.


DuracellEnergizer said:

With that out of the way, I’ve now begun watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. [extraneous stuff excised] I think I’m going to be sticking with this series.

Over a month later, I’m gonna say NAH to this. A shame, really; I’ve enjoyed James Marsters in other roles I’ve seen him in and I was hoping to check him out in this, but half of the main characters (including the eponymous Buffy) and the tone of the show itself just don’t click for me; there’s just nothing of enough interest on the plate to keep me going forward.

Moving onward, I watched the first and only season of this show for the first time since the seventh grade, and I need not say anything more than this:

There should be a law against cancelling a good series left on a cliffhanger ending.


Tell me about it. I still get pissed about My Name is Earl.


The first season of Supergirl has finally wrapped up. My final thoughts?

Melissa Benoist is good; David Harewood is good; the rest of the main cast is … passable. But the writing? The writing … how to phrase this …

I thought Smallville had sophomoric writing, but this show truly redefines the word. Even at its poorest, Smallville at least knew how to properly structure out a season-long storyarc and create a balance between the arc and the standalone episodes. The first season of Supergirl, however? It meanders about like a blind drunk in search of something – a something they keep forgotting about only to remember what it is fleetingly and only at the most inconvenient moments.

Before I forget, let me bring up this show’s particular take on the Superman family’s roster of supervillains. To be blunt, except for the Toyman, they were all weak or terrible interpretations. The Silver Banshee, in particular, was done godawful injustice; just think Venom from Spider-Man 3 with a sex change.

I’m not even going to talk about how Superman’s “cameos” in this series were handled. Just watch the last two episodes of this season and you’ll know everything you need to know.

Now, I don’t want to create the impression that I hate the show – I don’t. Like I said, I do really like Ms. Benoist as the titular character. However, the writing just isn’t up to her level – not at all – and it’s all very quite disappointing.

I’m hoping that come season 2, the writers will actually commit themselves to telling a good, clear, linear storyarc with good, properly-developed villains. If they don’t, neither will I; I will drop this series and they will have lost a viewer.


Dexter, I’ve seen the whole series at least 3 times, something about it just makes me gravitate toward it. Dunno’ why.

I’m probably going to start Six Feet Under sometime soon. Also have seen that at least twice.

Noticing a trend here, I enjoy watching the same things over and over. I realize that might drive a lot of people crazy but, hey, if it’s good, it’s good.

I am not lost. I know exactly where I am, I am in some shitty fucking hell, which is exactly what I deserve. But you… YOU are lost. All my life I thought that I needed you, that I couldn’t survive without you, fuck! Fuck! It was the other fucking way around. It was the other way around.


Hey I’ve watched every episode of Arrested Development at least 5 times lol.


Supaidaman (1978)

Just watched the first episode of this. I’m in love. I think this might have just become one of my favorite series of all time.

Forum Moderator

I’ve been burning through Lady Dynamite on Netflix. Maria Bamford + Mitch Hurwitz = exactly what I want to be watching right now.


I’ve spent the last month watching the first season of That '70s show. I’d forgotten just how much I loved this show.

Season 2, here I come.



I don’t know what to think of That 70s Show. It’s definitely entertaining and enjoyable, but other than Redd it isn’t funny at all. The jokes are so obvious and emphasized and the timing of the jokes is so stiff and makes it so clear when another obvious joke is coming.


I watched the first three seasons of Bates Motel over the last couple days.

Though the series is pretty predictable – though the drug subplots feel tacked on, like they belong in an entirely different series – I really do like the cast. I’m especially fond of Vera Farmiga as Norma Bates, who does a really excellent job portraying the character as a troubled, flawed, but still caring mother. Her version of Norma is essentially the mirror version of Olivia Hussey’s Norma from Psycho IV – completely different in all respects, physically and psychologically – but just as interesting a character all the same.



Been watching Ultimate Spider-Man because I ran out of YouTube to watch and I’d had it suggested to me by a couple people before.

It’s pretty decent actually. It’s your average “high school kids” retelling of the Spider-Man story (they skip the origin which is nice) where Spider-Man is put in charge of a SHIELD team consisting of young Luke Cage, White Tiger, Iron Fist, and Nova (Sam Alexander version) with all the moral lessons/teamwork learning/advice to kids kinda stuff you’d expect from that kind of thing.

But it has good reworkings of the origins of certain heroes and villains, plus there are a metric ton of fun references to Marvel stuff (Howard the Duck, Throg, Spider-Ham, Doop, Squirrel Girl), regular Stan Lee cameos, Agent Coulson is all over it, plus there’s been the usual Disney and Star Wars jokes. Even a Seinfeld joke and a reference to The Warriors. Drake Bell is a decent Spidey, and J.K. Simmons is JJJ.

It’s very definitely a kid’s show, and I dunno if I could actually sit down and focus on it, but it’s fun background noise.


Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I watched part of an episode from the ‘80s version of The Twilight Zone today – specifically, the remake of the original series’ episode “The After Hours”.

Terry Farrell notwithstanding, it was a piece of shit. It literally looks and plays like a bad, no-budget student film.


I rather liked Supergirl. It was a bright sparkly sort of thing but it was much more digestible than Arrow this year.


Starting Agents of SHIELD finally.

It’s neat. I’m five episodes in and it’s still finding its footing, but I’m enjoying it so far. Good cameos, nice references to the films. I feel like it’s part of the MCU, which is important. I don’t expect anything groundbreaking or incredible, but I’m enjoying it.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Bingowings said:

I rather liked Supergirl. It was a bright sparkly sort of thing but it was much more digestible than Arrow this year.

I just heard the news that Clark Kent/Supes is going to be guest starring in season 2. That got me excited for some reason so I’ve decided to jump in and watch all four shows in the DC TV U. Hopefully I can catch up before September - no outdoors for me this summer!


Over the past couple weeks, I’ve watched the first two seasons – and first eleven episodes of the third season – of Farscape.

Quoth the Barney Gumble, “I like it!”


I watched the pilot episode of Stargate SG-1 for the first time today in – what has it been – five years? Suffice it to say, my opinion on the episode then is more-or-less my opinion on it now.

The first half of the episode is pretty strong – RDA isn’t the full-blown wisecracking jackass that he’ll become in later episodes, and the mystery behind where the invaders through the stargate came from draws the interest of the viewer well enough. Once the extraterrestrials start speaking English, though, it enters full kitsch-mode and I lose the ability to take the rest of the proceedings all that seriously. And don’t get me started on the cave man’s all-too-visible prosthetic headpiece.

Oh, and the Serpent Guard chain-mail armour looks, and has always looked, like shit. I still like the design of the helmets, though, their inability to turn or fully retract like the ones in the movie notwithstanding.



I once saw a version that had nudity in it. But then I never saw it again and it actually made me think I’d imagined it! (I hadn’t though.) Just out of curiosity, which version did you see?


“Arrow” Season One.

It took a few episodes to grab me but I devoured it after it did! Far better than I was expecting! What a fun and well-plotted show and all the characters are interesting and for the most part, well used. The music is great too.

I’m looking forward to Season Two!

I give it 4 suspiciously-Canadian-looking-Chinese-islands out of 5.