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Post #929139

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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place
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Date created
14-Apr-2016, 1:47 AM

KillerQueen said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Whenever someone does that to me I just stop talking to them, and ignore them until they stop. I used to try and appease them but I gave up on that and just figured I’d wait for them to get over whatever problem they have. It’s passive, but still effective usually.

The thing is, this person KNEW exactly what they were doing when they turned asshole on me. I don’t think I have anymore passes with that kind of shit.

There is only a few things that will REALLY make me angry, unfortunately that person knew exactly how to push those buttons for no particular reason.

I’ll take a page from your book and just not interact with them again, I’m already in a shitty frame of mind, I don’t need that asshole making it worse.

Thanks by the way

I’m in a shitty frame of mind as well, and there is NOTHING that pisses me off worse than when someone can see that and consciously chooses to fuck with that.