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Post #928908

John Doom
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Ranking the Star Wars films
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Date created
13-Apr-2016, 6:26 PM

Lord Haseo said:

So a film in which the plot is about finding someone has an ending that isn’t meaningful because they find the person the plot revolves around?


[…] Finding him was the plot…

Hey, don’t throw AVGN’s gifs at me, ok? 😄
No, I’m not saying they should’ve not found Luke in TFA. I’m saying that it would’ve mattered more in the film if finding him answered the reason they were searching for him in the first place (save the Republic/Resistence, bring balance, whatever that is). The main characters have to do something so they can get something, generally that’s how plots go:
-they have to destroy the DS to save the Rebellion;
-Luke has to face Vader to save his friends;
-Luke has to face his father to save him, while the Rebels have to destroy the DSII to defeat the Emperor;
-the jedi and the Queen have to stop the Trade Federation to save Naboo;
-the Republic have to kill Dooku to prevent a war (but fail);
-Obi-wan and Yoda have to kill Sidious and his apprentice to save the Republic (but fail);
-Rey and the other have to find Luke to ?

In a way, TFA’s end is abrupt, doesn’t conclude its plot in a meaningful way.

TV’s Frink said:

John Doom said:

I think part of the problem here is that the search for Luke leads to nothing actually meaningful in the end, it has no impact on the plot, not in this episode anyway.

Wait, there are more movies coming? THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING!

Are we talking about movies or television series?