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Post #927757

Lord Haseo
Parent topic
Filmmaker and New Yorker film critic Richard Brody's thoughts on the prequels.
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Date created
11-Apr-2016, 9:24 PM

Dek Rollins said:

Quite a stupid argument had ensued, but it’s all good now. I think we’ve cooled off. Opinions are opinions, and when all I’m asking for is a specific reference and the opposing won’t provide it, what can I do but continue asking for it or just give up? 😉

I shouldn’t fucking have to

Smithers said:
Since for whatever reason you don’t see it yourself: https://youtu.be/XIfkGaOSwQ4?t=5m38s

It’s so overt that George’s intent doesn’t even begin to compensate for how racist this shit is.