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Post #925218

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Star Wars: Rogue One - * Non Spoiler Discussion Thread *
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Date created
7-Apr-2016, 1:44 PM

Lord Haseo said:

pittrek said:
No clue who Darth Zannah, Lumiya or Darh Cogness are, but that’s not my point. I think it’s not a wise “dramatic” decision to have a young female hero in the main movies and AT THE SAME TIME to have a young female hero as the lead character in the spin-off movie. It’s like if every Star Trek show had a young overacting Canadian playing the captain. I just hope her sidekicks won’t be a young black guy and a “cute” non-humanoid droid.

Well my point was that gender doesn’t seem to matter when the character is competent so it doesn’t matter.

I absolutely agree. But that’s not what I was trying to say. Back to the Star Trek example - the TOS captain is an energetic Canadian playing an energetic American, the TNG captain is a middle aged balding Englishman playing a father figure-type Frenchman, DS9 has a black captain who is an ACTUAL father, VOY has a female captain who is a mix between a mother figure and a calm logical scientist (except the episodes when she’s Ripley), and Enterprise has a Kirk rip-off. If you go to Star Wars, the original trilogy’s lead is a young guy and he’s supported buy an “older brother”-type character, a wise old mentor, a princess, an alien and robots. The prequels have even more diversity. But now we get TFA which has a young woman as the main hero followed by Rogue One which has AGAIN a young woman as the main character. They’re just repeating the formula too soon - that’s the only thing which I was trying to say.

Well but that’s the whole problem - the ONLY reason they’re doing it as a E4 prequel is that they want to use pre-existing things well known to the general public. It’s a business decision, not an artistic decision. That’s the whole reason why these spin-off movies do exist.

If it ends up being a good film why would it matter they’re trying to hit our nostalgia g-spot?

I’m not saying it will not be a good film - I hope it WILL be a GREAT film. But I still am not happy they’re “trying to hit our nostalgia g-spot”. That doesn’t say I won’t enjoy it if it will be well written and well acted, that just mean I would prefer something new. Saying that I prefer apples to oranges doesn’t mean I don’t like oranges 😃