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Post #925142

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Star Wars: Rogue One - * Non Spoiler Discussion Thread *
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Date created
7-Apr-2016, 10:44 AM

Lord Haseo said:

pittrek said:

So… another female hero? Why? We have a young chick as the lead character in the new trilogy.

She seems to know how to handle herself. I don’t know if you were privy to this information but strong and competent woman are known to be in Star Wars. Leia, Rey, Darth Zannah, Darth Cogness, Asajj Ventress, Lumiya etc.

No clue who Darth Zannah, Lumiya or Darh Cogness are, but that’s not my point. I think it’s not a wise “dramatic” decision to have a young female hero in the main movies and AT THE SAME TIME to have a young female hero as the lead character in the spin-off movie. It’s like if every Star Trek show had a young overacting Canadian playing the captain. I just hope her sidekicks won’t be a young black guy and a “cute” non-humanoid droid.

Just in case you didn’t know.

I hate that they simply use the nostalgic factor instead of doing something new. Hey look - the Death Star. AGAIN. Oh look - Star destroyers. I remember those from my childhood. Oh look - the boring woman from Episode 6 - I sort of remember her. I remember all those things, so I guess I have a reason to go see the movie it and buy some toys, sorry, I meant “action figures”, right?

Well…if this is set right before STAR WARS why wouldn’t they have the classic imagery?

Well but that’s the whole problem - the ONLY reason they’re doing it as a E4 prequel is that they want to use pre-existing things well known to the general public. It’s a business decision, not an artistic decision. That’s the whole reason why these spin-off movies do exist.

But still - they’re successful. They got me exactly as they got everybody else.