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Post #922092

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Info: The Force Awakens - Home Video Version; NOT Theatrical Cut - differences?
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Date created
29-Mar-2016, 10:33 AM

Nope, Frink is 100% right on this matter. The rule is quite clearly about situations exactly like this.

My posts are more of a food for thought type thing. The answer as to when the cams will be acceptable is: definitely not now, but obviously not never. We can probably look to RoTS to see at what point things started to be more acceptable around here. But I suspect that the stigma around the cam will drop fairly rapidly as it’s no threat at all compared to a proper HD blu-ray. But there’s no reason not to play it safe for now.

The most important thing to be vigilant about right now are the constantly appearing ‘I just torrented the blu-ray rip’ posts from various 2016 registrants, though. To be clear: In those cases, no one cares if you’ve preordered anything. If you’re morally okay with it, good for you, but it’s absolutely against the rules and etiquette of this forum to post about crap like that.