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Post #919096

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THX on 35mm Tech IB preservation - HELP NEEDED (work in progress)
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Date created
20-Mar-2016, 5:50 PM

Dek Rollins said:

I have some more questions about the US version:

  1. Am I correct in assuming that the previously mentioned 16mm prints have mono sound that can be made complete? If so, will that be included on the US cut release, or just LD audio?

  2. Am I also correct in assuming that the first grindhouse release (and possibly the cleaned up too?) will just be the corrected scan with it’s Italian audio? Or will an English track be synced with all releases?

Thanks for any answers. 😄

I received answers to your questions, sorry if in some way they contradict anything that I might have said before:

Yes the 16mm mono English audio can be included on future releases.
Yes, the first grind house would be just the Italian release with Italian audio, it cannot be easily synced up with English audio as it is a different cut but if anyone wants to create a hybrid version with English audio dubbed-in while waiting on the proper release it’s not a problem from our end.
The proper American cut with original English audio will be released after the complete digital clean-up of the film.