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Post #916139

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(Spoilers)How could The Force Awakens have been more original?
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Date created
11-Mar-2016, 6:24 PM

DuracellEnergizer said:

Yes, 'cause a blue/green lightsaber and a blue/green lightsaber alone would be all it would take to make a bad guy indistinquishable from a good guy. Things like body language, vocal inflection, general attitude and the actions they partake in – those things don’t matter once goddamn iota.

Oh, but I forgot – only little children under the age of five watch SW movies.


Oh, this guy is just oh so warm, friendly, and inviting,

At least he’s wearing black armor and not white robes like what’s-his-name suggested.

EDIT: I’ve to come to a conclusion. The only way Episode 7 (discounting Episodes 8 and 9, which crazy potential for originality) can be completely original is if it is set a lot more than 30 years after Return of the Jedi. Would you want to sacrifice characters like Kylo Ren and seeing Luke again for a more original story that is not guarenteed to be better?