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Post #915814

Lord Haseo
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(Spoilers)How could The Force Awakens have been more original?
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Date created
10-Mar-2016, 2:39 PM

John Doom said:
Not necessarily, there’s no need for more exposition than there’s in ROTJ (again, think of James Bond films, like Goldeneye, which have just the right amount of expositions without feeling slow).

Exactly how much of this stuff do you want there to be in this hypothetical Episode VII? It seems as though not much because if you wanted to have it in abundance there would be an effect on the pacing but if it were minimal it wouldn’t do much hard.

I see what you mean. If conflicts are an asset in SW to you

I’m sure it’s an asset to every one. It’s called Star Wars for a reason you know.

So, you could start the trilogy with similar wars, but in space. These conflicts then could escalate in a crisis between the superpowers and, in the final movie, bring to a galactic war and its final solution. It’s definitely possible.

This I like so much as the espionage stuff doesn’t detract too much from fire fights, space battles, the servants of the Lights vs the servants of the Dark etc. The espionage would have to be next to nil in Episode IX though.

with different kind of conflicts and enemies

What types of new enemies would you have in mind? I’ve been toying with an idea of having all of the non Force Sensitives hunt down those who use The Force because the galaxy is tired of the wars they bring upon them.