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Post #910987

Darth Lucas
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StarWarsLegacy.com - The Official Thread
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Date created
22-Feb-2016, 10:37 PM

theMaestro said:

Darth Lucas said:
There is no concrete way to measure the resolution of film, but the average estimates have come usually somewhere in between 4K and 6K.

Ah okay, cool. That’s good news. Hopefully, it is released in 4K then.

One a side note, if this pitch goes well & Mike gets a job, could he realistically be able to do Empire and Jedi in about a year (for the 40th anniversary) while working full time? It doesn’t seem likely that two movies could be done that quickly when the first one took 15 years. So perhaps Star Wars will be released alone or alongside Disney/Fox’s own rushed restorations of the other two movies, as people have mentioned.

Well if I’m not mistaken, part of the reason it took 15 years was gathering funds, developing tools, and finding prints/arranging for them to be scanned.