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Post #909653

TV's Frink
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Star Wars 1977 releases on 35mm
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Date created
19-Feb-2016, 6:31 PM

poita said:

This wasn’t an easy decision, I do spend an inordinate amount of time in these forums, but life has also been getting increasingly difficult, my main employer hit hard times and has let most staff go, including me, and as many of you know, one of my four daughters is physically and mentally disabled, and as she hits puberty, she has become far more difficult to look after, imagine someone who is mentally an 18 month old, that is 5 foot tall, and incredibly strong, that is simultaneously going through the both the tantrum phase of ‘the terrible twos’ and the throws of hormones and mood swings of a teenager, coupled with random violent outbursts, and you can see how it puts a lot of stress on the family, especially when you also have a three year old daughter, safety is also a real concern.


I have not read this thread until today, so I was unaware of the various difficulties you have faced. In addition to echoing what others have said, I just wanted to say that I believe you and the rest of your family deserve all the good thoughts we can possibly send your way. I have an Asperger’s daughter who is eight, and while many days are definitely a struggle, and more are certain to come, I’ve always known there are families out there who have it more difficult than us. And since I know many people with “normal” kids don’t have a clue with what my wife and I deal with, I’m quite comfortable in assuming I don’t have a clue what you have to deal with. I hope this does not come off poorly, because I am trying to find a way to express my admiration for you while not minimizing your love for your daughter at the same time, and I am probably failing miserably. At any rate, thank you for sharing, and best of luck for you, your daughter, and the rest of your family.

All the best,