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Post #908403

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Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1
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Date created
15-Feb-2016, 5:11 PM

First thanks for the hard work Harmy and everyone else involved. Great stuff.

But I need some clarification. I DL from a certain paradoxical site. The rar says “harmy…v2.5-Avchd…” but when I extract the iso reads “rotj…v2.0_avchd”

So there’s a mistake somewhere
1 the new 2.5 avchd iso was not renamed to 2.5 before it got packed into the correctly named .rar
2 the 2.0 avchd work print iso was by mistake packed into a rar labeled 2.5 and posted.

Looking for clarification thanks

By the way my extracted iso size is 8,440,446,976 if that helps
