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Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1 — Page 109


Oh I understand. I was commenting on the two posters above me. I can’t quote for some reason.

I’ve seen the people who bash, or who are demanding about things. I defend you when I see it.


Harmy, just gotta say: the colors look amazing! Loving the warm colors. Did you use Dr.Dre’s tool? (sorry if this has been answered before, but I couldn’t find it)

I could sometimes hardly tell the difference between 35mm and BD material.



Has anyone had problems extracting the AVCHD version?
I keep getting CRC checksum error at the end!
I downloaded some parts with JDownloader but other parts with Firefox, shouldn’t make a difference right?
Granted my internet connection is slow, and it took my over 4 days, with many interruptions…
This is really frustrating, as I’ve been counting the days since December, reading this topic daily, getting over the delays 'till Sunday, starting the downloads that day, and just finishing today, just to find it was all for nothing!!


TR2N said:

I don’t understand the people here that are complaining over colors, crushed blacks etc. Wtf are they talking about? I mean you gave us the best experience of ROTJ ever and people are complaining the Shit out of that. We have to be so thankful for what you have done and the time you spent for this version. I think the colors are awesome, ROTJ never looked better imo!!

Some people really have 1st world problems…

While I haven’t yet offered any criticism or feedback on this release, I really don’t think this comment is fair to many here who have.

I believe Harmy wants constructive, politely stated feedback, that’s the way this project continually evolves and improves. I think most everyone, here at least, who have commented on dark scenes, crushed blacks, etc. has done so politely with genuine expressions of appreciation. I know I for one find the Emperor a little dark on the crossed sabre scene, though I haven’t mentioned it. That doesn’t mean I’m not appreciative of what Harmy had accomplished. But I’m also appreciative of those who brought it to Harmys attention so he can consider it for future releases. Similarly, while the blacks look fine to me, I don’t think there’s any wrong with those who see it differently. Then Harmy makes whatever call he wishes, as it should be. And when Harmy responds to criticism or feedback, he always says why he made the choices he did, and for me at least this is interesting.

And your comment about “first world problems” is frankly a little snide. They’re ALL first world problems. Wanting a despecialised edition in the first place because the current Blu Ray isn’t good enough for us (and it’s not) is a first world problem. All we talk about on this forum are first world problems. If you’re unconcerned with such problems then stick with the Special Editions you already (presumably) have on BD and be done with it.

So as far as I can see most everyone here is thankful for what Harmy has done. But if everything was perfect from the get go there would have been no need to go beyond 1.0. So if someone is being rude (e.g. Calling it disgusting) by all means call them out. Bur theres nothing wrong with constructive feedback.


I think you’re right about constructive feedback. People here, unlike facebook, are generally very courteous.

And I think the fact that the complaints are so extremely minor (and, IMO, 90% dismissed by Harmy’s gallery), shows just how close to perfection this turned out.

But there are indeed people on spleen and facebook who are imagining that the contrast is ‘ruined’ throughout the whole film. Harmy pretty much shut that idea down with his gallery, and it is more likely that some of those people don’t understand what the 35mm shots are, or how incredible it is to have them in as good a state as this.


Or that we have access to 35 mm copies of the film at all.

"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)


I agree! That’s why I was trying to explain that my reply was perhaps a bit snarky because it was first written in response to the rude FB comments and then only copied here. I welcome constructive feedback and I do actually agree, that some of the shots are a tad too dark - it just pisses me of when someone on FB says it looks disgusting just from seeing a few images in the gallery.
I remember when putting a new release out was such a joyous thing for me, because this was the only place it got discussed and this place and people here are frickin’ awesome, and now I just need to learn to live with the harsh reality of the social media mayhem 😄


I always enjoy the comments that come in waves when Harmy releases a new version of these movies.

  • First comes the “When is this getting released?” comments.
  • Second are the “Where can I download this?” comments.
  • Third are the most intense… “THIS IS AWESOME! HARMY IS A GOD!”
  • Next come the crushing lows of “Are the colors right on this shot Harmy?” and “Is this an error or was it supposed to be here?”
  • Luckily, for Harmy, that wave of comments is usually followed up by a second round of “THIS IS AWESOME! HARMY IS A GOD!” posts.

I’m going to skip to that last round of comments and just say thanks. This is truly a the best version of Jedi that I’ve ever seen. As always this is greatly appreciated.


towne32 said:

I think you’re right about constructive feedback. People here, unlike facebook, are generally very courteous.

And I think the fact that the complaints are so extremely minor (and, IMO, 90% dismissed by Harmy’s gallery), shows just how close to perfection this turned out.

But there are indeed people on spleen and facebook who are imagining that the contrast is ‘ruined’ throughout the whole film. Harmy pretty much shut that idea down with his gallery, and it is more likely that some of those people don’t understand what the 35mm shots are, or how incredible it is to have them in as good a state as this.

Yeah. Facebook is thing of its own. To be mostly ignored, that’s why I come here.

Anf agreed how damn good this thing looks. All of them. What Harmy has pulled off is nothing short of a miracle, and if he never did another thing I’d still feel set for having a first rate, HD version of theses films as they’re meant to be seen (though obviously new remasters are welcomed and anticipated). Even when (or if) Disney finally releases these movies in HD on their original form, we may have something with more resolution, but it’s unlikely that as much care will have been put into the colours, audio options, etc.


Oh, also, if you open these two in separate tabs and switch between them, you can very nicely see that the matte painting was recomposited in the '04 (or maybe '97) version:
http://s3.picsurge.com/rrGUtW/Sequence 01.00_05_32_10.Still007.jpg
http://s3.picsurge.com/rrGUtW/Sequence 01.00_05_32_10.Still008.jpg

I will later probably post some comparisons between the raw LPP scan, the Grindhouse color correction and the v2.5 35mm shots.


Lapti Nek was the highlight for me. First time in my 33 years really “seeing” it. The detail is amazing!


“People here, unlike facebook, are generally very courteous.”

Yes, it shows… by everyone just ignoring my need of help post, and keeping on with the colour discussion…


Becas said:

“People here, unlike facebook, are generally very courteous.”

Yes, it shows… by everyone just ignoring my need of help post, and keeping on with the colour discussion…

However, some posts, like this one in quotes, are quite rude.

If no one answered your post, it’s because they don’t know the answer. Or perhaps they didn’t care for the doomsdaying ‘all for nothing’ at the end.

I would certainly guess, however, that multiple broken connections and a CRC fail at the end suggest a corrupt file. It’s the whole point of a CRC after all, so yes, corruption is likely. Hopefully you can determine which parts are corrupt and re-download those only. Maybe someone can post the individual CRCs for you.

Another possibility is that Harmy did indeed upload a new set of rars at one point. If you took multiple days to download it, you may have gotten some from one set and some from another? Or your jdownloader links were not matched to your firefox ones.


I was never pointing on someone’s post here. It is a only a notice of things I read on Facebook and somewhere else. No personal offense.

Nick66 said:

TR2N said:

I don’t understand the people here that are complaining over colors, crushed blacks etc. Wtf are they talking about? I mean you gave us the best experience of ROTJ ever and people are complaining the Shit out of that. We have to be so thankful for what you have done and the time you spent for this version. I think the colors are awesome, ROTJ never looked better imo!!

Some people really have 1st world problems…

While I haven’t yet offered any criticism or feedback on this release, I really don’t think this comment is fair to many here who have.

I believe Harmy wants constructive, politely stated feedback, that’s the way this project continually evolves and improves. I think most everyone, here at least, who have commented on dark scenes, crushed blacks, etc. has done so politely with genuine expressions of appreciation. I know I for one find the Emperor a little dark on the crossed sabre scene, though I haven’t mentioned it. That doesn’t mean I’m not appreciative of what Harmy had accomplished. But I’m also appreciative of those who brought it to Harmys attention so he can consider it for future releases. Similarly, while the blacks look fine to me, I don’t think there’s any wrong with those who see it differently. Then Harmy makes whatever call he wishes, as it should be. And when Harmy responds to criticism or feedback, he always says why he made the choices he did, and for me at least this is interesting.

And your comment about “first world problems” is frankly a little snide. They’re ALL first world problems. Wanting a despecialised edition in the first place because the current Blu Ray isn’t good enough for us (and it’s not) is a first world problem. All we talk about on this forum are first world problems. If you’re unconcerned with such problems then stick with the Special Editions you already (presumably) have on BD and be done with it.

So as far as I can see most everyone here is thankful for what Harmy has done. But if everything was perfect from the get go there would have been no need to go beyond 1.0. So if someone is being rude (e.g. Calling it disgusting) by all means call them out. Bur theres nothing wrong with constructive feedback.


TR2N said:

I was never pointing on someone’s post here. It is a only a notice of things I read on Facebook and somewhere else. No personal offense.

Hmmmm. Except you did mention “here” specifically…

TR2N said:

I don’t understand the people HERE that are complaining over colors, crushed blacks etc. Wtf are they talking about?

As I said, I think if someone is being rude, it’s fair to call them out. But I don’t think it’s fair to lump that in with legitimate feedback and constructive criticism. That’s one of the ways in which the project improves, which redounds to all our benefit.


towne32 said:

Another possibility is that Harmy did indeed upload a new set of rars at one point. If you took multiple days to download it, you may have gotten some from one set and some from another? Or your jdownloader links were not matched to your firefox ones.

Yes, definitely more than one rar set uploaded.
One at or before 2016-02-07 11:30 PST, another by 16:35.
Latter had some (but not all) changes to readme.txt

However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…


Great, and somehow this isn’t deemed important enough to be anounced before people start downloading. Now I have a mixed bag of sets… what is the best aproach now to solve this.


Becas said:

Great, and somehow this isn’t deemed important enough to be anounced before people start downloading. Now I have a mixed bag of sets… what is the best aproach now to solve this.

Stop downloading .rars and grab a torrent. Do you need a spleen invite?


Becas said:

Great, and somehow this isn’t deemed important enough to be anounced before people start downloading. Now I have a mixed bag of sets… what is the best aproach now to solve this.

Ehm… Harmy wrote about it immediately


Becas said:

Great, and somehow this isn’t deemed important enough to be anounced before people start downloading. Now I have a mixed bag of sets… what is the best aproach now to solve this.

Harmy made a post before he even did it. And he left the original files up even after the links were updated. If you had copied the entire set of links down or stuck with jdownloader you could have grabbed them all. If they’re still saved in your jdownloader links maybe you can still do that.

It’s amazing how this problem is everyone’s fault but yours.


pittrek said:

Becas said:

Great, and somehow this isn’t deemed important enough to be anounced before people start downloading. Now I have a mixed bag of sets… what is the best aproach now to solve this.

Ehm… Harmy wrote about it immediately

but you don’t understand, harmy didn’t write directly to him… 😉

anyway, just re-watched the forest scenes again to enjoy the splENDOR they are.

You really only need to hang mean bastards,
but mean bastards you need to hang.

John ‘The Hangman’ Ruth


Harmy said:

Oh, also, if you open these two in separate tabs and switch between them, you can very nicely see that the matte painting was recomposited in the '04 (or maybe '97) version:
http://s3.picsurge.com/rrGUtW/Sequence 01.00_05_32_10.Still007.jpg
http://s3.picsurge.com/rrGUtW/Sequence 01.00_05_32_10.Still008.jpg

I will later probably post some comparisons between the raw LPP scan, the Grindhouse color correction and the v2.5 35mm shots.

Oh that would be excellent! I stare at frames trying to see things like this. I love to see how things are done, ya know? Matte lines and boxes are the bees knees!


I’ll be the one to ask… can we expect a '98 Re-Specialized edition at some point? (Pretty sure only ANH and ESB were '97.)

“Lifes a song you don’t get to rehearse, and every single verse can make it that much worse”


oh_riginal said:

I’ll be the one to ask… can we expect a '98 Re-Specialized edition at some point? (Pretty sure only ANH and ESB were '97.)

Jedi was rereleased March 14 1997


djchaseb said:

Lapti Nek was the highlight for me. First time in my 33 years really “seeing” it. The detail is amazing!

Hear, hear. We have a beautiful home video release of Return of the Jedi now. It is qualitatively better than v1.0 because it’s more or less entirely HD material.

My stance on revising fan edits.