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Post #906113

Hal 9000
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Star Wars Episode III: Labyrinth Of Evil (Released)
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Date created
9-Feb-2016, 8:43 AM

LOE is certainly a bolder edit than the other two, and mixing and matching my cuts of I and II with L8wrtr’s III is totally legit.
The points you two raise and more are addressed in the commentary, too. I did indeed try to mediate the earlier idea of Anakin’s turn by downplaying the role of his premonitions about Padme’s death, largely because she doesn’t die in my cut anyway.
I am of two minds regarding the Death Star scene. I’m erring on the side of caution, I guess. It’s not part of the story of the prequels, and only appears during the pre-ANH traileresque ending montage. (There’s no reason to involve Geonosis or Dooku; at least here it remains an Imperial project.) I prefer to have Coruscant, technically, but emotionally feel the Death Star is what gives the scene its weight.
However, anyone wanting to hack at my cuts to tweak to their liking, it’d be a quick fix.