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Post #905928

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Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1
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Date created
8-Feb-2016, 6:41 PM

joefavs said:

Anyone have plans to put together an NTSC DVD-5 version in the near future? I gave a couple partial DE sets as Christmas gifts and I’m hoping to provide the recipients with their final discs now that this is out. If this isn’t on anyone’s radar I can fool around with it myself over the weekend, but I don’t want to do anything redundant. I also suspect that those of you who know more about encoding than I do are capable of producing a much nicer product.

Not to belittle anyone, but who uses standard DVD players anymore? One can purchase a nice, Sony Bluray player from Best Buy for 50 bucks.

If it was a question of not having a Bluray burner then I would assume AVCHDs on DVD9s would solve that.