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Post #905350

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Suggestions for the New Forum
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Date created
7-Feb-2016, 3:02 PM

The old forum had a fixed width of 960 pixels, just as the desktop layout on the current forum does:


Some of you have selective memory.

The current forum DOES resize based on your display size. Load it up on a phone or tablet; it’s fully responsive. The old forum did NOT do this, and it was awful on anything smaller than a large tablet. If you’d used your browser’s dev tools to inspect the source, you would’ve seen the media queries you described.

Go ahead and set the primary container’s width to 85% using your browser’s dev tools and maximize your browser window. I don’t think it’ll be quite as nice on your large display as you seem to believe, unless you enjoy reading entire paragraphs as a single line of text:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/kncu68wxukuhvoa/Screenshot 2016-02-07 15.01.14.png?dl=0&preview=Screenshot+2016-02-07+15.01.14.png