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Post #899154

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team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)
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Date created
20-Jan-2016, 12:22 PM

Just wanted to answer a few more thoughts about this project.

The project goals for this release were to preserve the movie in close to the theatrical version
as we could.

Therefore, we have not included subtitles, or other features as most releases have.

We know the community here at OT, is more than capable of adding back those requested.

For the Subtitles

We would rather use the few Gigabytes needed for subtitles for the movie. People can make
a custom version later on.

GOUT comptability

Due to the timeframe we had, we didn’t have time to match them, and in fact with some of the
frames missing, it was not a priority.

We will add back what we can for the Bluray.


Again, we used something we had to get it synced for the MKV, rather than taking more time
to use theatrical versions. This will be fixed in the future relase. We are only concentrating
on the Stereo 35mm, and the mono 16mm, along with the mono Spanish.

Any further audio tracks will have to be added as a custom version.


A few of our Team Members are going to be taking a break for awhile from this project.

Progress on the Bluray will continue at a slower pace, but that will be it for the time
being, along with Empire Strikes Back - Sanitized.

Any corrections, and issues at that point will stop with the 1.5 version.


We have already started moving onto the next set of projects.

  • Return of the Jedi (LPP)
  • Star Wars (Eastman vs Technicolor)

We did mention Empire Strikes Back (Fuji), but that will be a project taken on without a current timeframe,
but will be a dedicated restoration.

There will be more details of other projects as we get to them.

Team Negative1