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Post #897276

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In what ways did TFA completely nail it, either in terms of filmmaking or in terms of continuity?
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Date created
15-Jan-2016, 4:21 PM

John Doom said:

DominicCobb said:

John Doom said:

DominicCobb said:

John Doom said:

I liked:
-the First Order’s (if brief) theme;

There were a lot of great themes in the film. This was the only one you liked??

Yep. Half of the themes were remakes of the older ones, while I didn’t find very moving the new ones.

Did you even listen to the soundtrack? I’m honestly having a hard time comprehending this.

Here are the new themes:
Rey’s theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65As1V0vQDM
Kylo Ren’s theme (at 4:20): https://youtu.be/y8ac1Qg-r-8?t=4m18s
Kylo Ren’s secondary theme (at 0:13): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUs88IY1A00
Finn’s theme (at 1:11): https://youtu.be/VLipUMfiiC8?t=1m
Poe Dameron’s theme (at 1:18): https://youtu.be/cHJrfB7VquM?t=1m14s
The Resistance’s theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueqKtype7Kk
The Jedi steps theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUBUlKgsNK8

Of those (brilliant) new themes, the only one that I think even vaguely sounds like a remake is Kylo Ren’s, but that makes sense narratively.

Seriously, the fact that you think not one of those is worth liking and you instead prefer a small bit at the start of the film that isn’t even a theme makes me think you are just being purposefully contrarian on this point.

Calm down, I didn’t say they’re not good, just that I didn’t find them very moving in the movie. Besides, when I said half of the themes are remakes of the older ones, I wasn’t referring to these tracks, but the other half used in the movie which actually were remakes of older tracks like the Force’s theme, Luke’s theme, Leia’s theme, and so on.
That bit I said I like wasn’t randomly chosen, it is used every time the First Order appears in the movie, so it’s kind of like a theme on its own, right?

Fair enough. I think you’re wrong about the new themes, but, if you disagree, I can’t really change your mind I guess.

As for the use of old themes, having seen the film 4 times and listened to the soundtrack many more times, I can say with some certainty that the older stuff makes up much less than half of the score (probably closer to 5-10% of it), and their usage is done purposefully (i.e. Leia and Han reunite and we hear their theme, Rebel fanfare when the Falcon returns, the main theme when something heroic happens). The Force theme is the most used of them all but it has always been the most used theme throughout all six films. If it hadn’t been used, there’d be a problem. Still, its usage is minor compared to new stuff like Rey’s theme.

As for the theme you picked, yeah it’s a pretty cool motif that obviously signifies the First Order. But it’s only used that once so it seems silly (to me at least) that you’d pick that as the only new theme you like over the numerous other themes that evolve and develop throughout the film.