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Post #897114

John Doom
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TFA: Why I don't think Rey is a Merry Sue
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Date created
15-Jan-2016, 9:15 AM

He says the Force is strong with this one after he has had trouble hitting anything besides a droid and while the image on screen is of Luke’s fight jerking around in such a way that he can’t lock on to him and Luke lasts much longer then any of the other pilots who were trained for combat do against Vader and he hits a target not even the computer can lock on to. The only reason he is there for Han to save is because he out flies a pilot who has been flying since before he was born and has been using the force much longer then he has. In the context of the movie it makes no more sense then Rey defeating Ren in the latest movie, and yet the people who attack Rey for being a Marry Sue are fine with Luke.

I don’t agree with your interpretation of this scene, but it’s fine. I don’t want to waste your time repeating myself about why I disagree on your points here.

What is more Rey is now attacked for not needing be saved by a man and not acting like a Disney princess and that is bold faced sexism.

Rest assured I’ve nothing sexist against her character, I have absolutely no problem with her gender and the fact she’s not a “damsel in distress”.

Maybe you should just consider the possibility that with some many people liking this character, it isn’t the character who is badly written, it’s just that these new films don’t appeal to you so you have zeroed in on the character as the reason. There is nothing wrong with just having personal tastes that something well written doesn’t appeal to. For instance I have never been able to get into Breaking Bad, Mad Men, or Game of Thrones. Those three shows are pretty much universally praised as some of the best written and acted shows of all time, but they just don’t appeal to me so I don’t watch them but I don’t try to tell people who do watch them that they are badly written, because it is clear a lot of people have found that to not be the case and it is more likely they just don’t appeal to my personal taste, so why would I spend time arguing over something I am never going to enjoy.
I would advise you to cut your losses with the new series and just go back to watching what you like and stop trying to convince people to hate something they enjoy. The new movies aren’t for you, that is fine, you don’t have to keep going out of your way to defend that simple fact just like I don’t have to go out of my way to defend my taste in movies. After all it’s just a film, we should really just relax.

Well, I do like Star Wars’ space opera’s genre, so I don’t think TFA just doesn’t appeal to me. When I went to the theater, I watched the movie both prising and opposing each of its features objectively, the same I do for all movies I watch, including the previous 6 Star Wars movies, and that’s not true that I completely disliked this movie (I don’t understand what made you think so).
In any case, I’m not trying to force anyone to agree with me at all on Rey. I just shared my opinions on this thread’s subject and we discussed together about what could be considered fact, what subjective, sharing each other’s point of view. I think that’s what threads are made for, after all, right? 😄
And I think we had a good time together, so thank you for making this thread.