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Post #897065

John Doom
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TFA: Why I don't think Rey is a Merry Sue
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Date created
15-Jan-2016, 4:23 AM

DrCrowTStarwarsreborn said:

Oh and I never said Ren just lost power for no reason, go reread what I said as I am sick of typing out the same thing one billion times in a row, so I will say it just once more.

And I never said he lost his power for no reason, I know you meant he was getting tired. I was just pointing out that Ren’s defeat can be seen from different point of views.

Also again if you have problem with this, Vader comes out and credits Luke’s use of the force with making it hard for him to lock onto and destroy Luke’s fighter in the first movie and Vader is a much more experienced combat pilot(Someone being a good pilot with civilian air craft does not make them a great combat pilot. That is why we can’t just take 747 pilots and put then in fighter aircraft without any training.)and has used the force a lot longer and he used it to kill Jedi back in the day, so why don’t you have a problem with the first movie?
If you just go by the movie with out any of the sequels, prequels, or behind the scenes info Luke being to out fly Vader and not get instantly killed like everyone else makes no sense by the same logic that you apply to the Ren/Rey fight.

Actually, Vader just says that the Force is strong with Luke, not that his power is making it hard for him to lock onto Luke’s fighter. The only reason he can’t kill him in the end, is because Han saves him at the last time and they weren’t able to actually defeat Vader either, so what’s the deal with it?
Nevermind Rey’s ridiculous ability to use the Force like a fully trained Jedi, her sudden abilty to defeat Ren makes less if no sense, unless it was just Ren being too tired to fight, as you said. I don’t think that’s the case, as it’s pretty obvious they were going for the “letting the Force in” (which, as I said, wasn’t explained nor questioned), but anyway, I agree to disagree.