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Post #896819

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TFA: Why I don't think Rey is a Merry Sue
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Date created
14-Jan-2016, 12:23 PM

John Doom said:

Better than Luke and any other character in the SW universe at her same age, “because reasons”, without explaination. Considering she defeated an almost complete dark Jedi on her own, she probably doesn’t even need to train with Luke 😄

A.) We’ve got two more of these. I am absolutely sure we’ll get an explanation in the coming installments. I think when these are on video sitting next to each other of everyone’s shelves and you can watch one right after the other, people aren’t going to be bothered by the ambiguity here, and in fact may come to appreciate it.

B.) We never get any explicit indication of how far along in his training Kylo Ren is. The only reasons I’ve come across for assuming he’s the man are 1.) he did that trick with the blaster bolt, and that kicked ass, so he must be amazing, and 2.) he wiped out Luke’s other students. That’s not a great indicator either because we have no idea how far along in the training they were, and in fact I have a theory that Kylo was able to off them all so easily because he was the only one with a lightsaber (I think Luke hadn’t yet taught his students to build them and that Snoke showed Kylo as part of his seduction, but this is all speculation). Anyway, other than that, he doesn’t face another Force user until Rey shows up. Yeah, he’s comes off as powerful in the first half of the film, but he’s essentially just bullying non-Force users. He’s a medium-sized fish in a small pond and he’s been that way for years. I have no trouble believing that when the shit truly hits the fan he kind of sucks at Jedi stuff.

Side note, it’s nice to get a chance to actually talk about things that happened in the movie without it getting bogged down by sweeping hyperbolic statements about the film’s overall quality. Let’s try to keep this up.