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What didn't you like about TFA? SPOILERS — Page 23


Bosk said:

Bosk said:

hydrospanner said:

Bosk said:

No new star wars film will EVER match ESB…I don’t understand TFA? If the film was good these negative posts and nitpicking wouldn’t exist. Try and find a bad review pulling Esb to bits. Type problems with tfa in Google and you’ll read pretty much everything mentioned on this site.


here’s some links with regards to TFA problems

https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=the problem with the force awakens

Well one of those links took me to an article with Samuel L Jackson saying he didn’t like the lightsaber fighting in TFA because it wasn’t as good as the ones in the prequels.


Bubba J said:

These are five things that pop into my mind when I think of what I didn’t like. I’m not going to post things I consider nit-picky.

  • Biggest issue was the entire Starkiller Base plot-line. It felt like it was just “there”. If it was really needed (which is wasn’t), it was glossed over too much.


  • Thus I thought the pacing was almost too quick overall.


  • The whole Rathtar scene. It didn’t add anything worthwhile to the final product in my opinion.

I did not mind it, but YMMV

  • Rey grasping the force so quickly, e.g. Jedi mind trick; feels like a deus ex machina.


  • I thought it was inconsistent with its tone in several places.

Kindly elaborate…?

I was once…but now I’m not… Further: zyzzogeton

“It wasn’t the flood that destroyed the pantry…”


hydrospanner said:

Bosk said:

Bosk said:

hydrospanner said:

Bosk said:

No new star wars film will EVER match ESB…I don’t understand TFA? If the film was good these negative posts and nitpicking wouldn’t exist. Try and find a bad review pulling Esb to bits. Type problems with tfa in Google and you’ll read pretty much everything mentioned on this site.


here’s some links with regards to TFA problems

https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=the problem with the force awakens

Well one of those links took me to an article with Samuel L Jackson saying he didn’t like the lightsaber fighting in TFA because it wasn’t as good as the ones in the prequels.

even the Vatican hated it http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2015/12/star-wars-the-force-awakens-vatican-review and some crtics had the balls to say what a few think http://www.thewrap.com/star-wars-the-force-awakens-negative-reviews/


TV’s Frink said:

Bosk said:

hydrospanner said:

Bosk said:

No new star wars film will EVER match ESB…I don’t understand TFA? If the film was good these negative posts and nitpicking wouldn’t exist. Try and find a bad review pulling Esb to bits. Type problems with tfa in Google and you’ll read pretty much everything mentioned on this site.


Okay owned but he’s wrong haha

Whereas you are right, I presume.

you agree with this review?


Lord Haseo said:

Bosk said:

I didn’t need to bend over to see what I actually saw on the screen…

Correct. I’ll only speak for myself, but the observations I’ve made are not difficult to make. They’re right there on the screen. There was no bending involved. All that was involved was a simple matter of paying attention.

Well seeing you and Smoking Lizard have verged into not only having a less than rudimentary understanding of the film itself…

So, now, again, this is just unnecessarily hostile, as I’ve pointed out before. While I understand that you fairly disagree with me, to say that Bosk and I have “less than a rudimentary understanding of the film” is an ad hominem and unfair. Trying to imply that we’re too stupid to understand a very simple movie.

Again, it’s not that we don’t understand the explanations provided, it’s that the explanations provided are silly. You need to understand the difference.

I have seen people on here who don’t like TFA but didn’t resort the methods you and Smoking Lizard tried to employ.

You mean, as in pointing out the flaws in the plot and story?

Especially as it pertains to the nitpicking.

What is this nitpicking thing? Like I said, the Star Wars fan base keeps use this word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

But even so, Bosk started the thread, and he labeled it, What didn’t you like about TFA?. Notice he did not put any size condition on his thread. So regardless of what you did not like about TFA, whether it’s large or small, feel free to list it here in this thread and then we’ll have fun civilly discussing why you disliked those things.

Thus, if someone says something along the lines of, “I didn’t like Rey’s costume,” or, “I don’t like the new stormtrooper armor,” saying to that person, “That’s nitpicking!” is irrelevant in a thread where you’re asked to simply list the things you didn’t like.

which I may add are now echoed all over the net so it’s not just me

There’s a lot of merit in this. I’ve noticed that the general sentiment at other forums like TheForce.net is not as positive about TFA, and the list of critiques I posted here I posted there, and people were far more receptive.

Interesting. I suspected that the demographic here, in a forum seemingly devoted to the OT, would be a bit more receptive to critiques of TFA. I am also surprised to have been called an “OT fanboy” on an OT forum. But, hey, stranger things happen all the time.

And let me not even go into how you guys tried to twist and bend the OT to make it seem as though they didn’t share some of the same flaws.

This is a flawed argument that’s been floating all over this thread. People are not applying any sort of logical discernment. Really, it’s just a false analogy. Folks just aren’t getting that it’s OK to stretch the imagination, but not OK to insult the intelligence. Yes, the OT leverages poetic license at points, but TFA turns poetic license into an all out license to kill.

It’s like this. Suppose you’re on the interstate and the speed limit is 70MPH. If you pass a state trooper going 75MPH, that trooper probably isn’t even going to look up from his paperwork. But now if you pass that trooper going 100MPH, you can bet your bottom dollar you’re getting a ticket.

That’s the difference between ANH & TESB and TFA, really. ANH and TESB exceed the speed limit a bit here and there. No biggie…you just give it a pass for the sake of the story or the fantasy. Heck, it may be so inconsequential, you don’t even notice you gave it a pass.

But TFA, on the other hand, not only completely disregards the speed limit, it mows down the speed limit sign while it’s at it.

And then people here are like, “How can you complain about TFA going 100MPH when TESB goes 75MPH?! You’re inconsistent! You’re a hypocrite! You’re an idiot! You’re bending over backwards!” Yada, yada, yada.

Now seriously, just for the sake of the discussion, consider the following:

  • Does Luke want to be found at all? If yes, why not just say so? If no, why are we searching for him? If the answer is, it’s a test, why concoct such an absurd test that costs so many innocent people their lives? THIS IS NOT A NITPICK.

  • And if it is a test, who is he testing? Leia? THIS IS NOT A NITPICK.

  • Why did Leia send an X-Wing pilot to retrieve Luke’s secret map? Why not send someone in disguise, like an intelligence agent? After all, an X-Wing sticks out like a sore thumb? THIS IS NOT A NITPICK.

  • Poe and Finn escape the villains by stealing a TIE fighter, which they were able to activate by simply pressing the “On” button. The TIE fighter is shot by the bad guys but then somehow crash lands without killing or even injuring either of the two occupants…AND it crash lands within walking distance of Rey’s settlement. How likely and plausible is that? THIS IS NOT A NITPICK.

  • After Poe and Finn crash land on Jakku, why did Poe leave Jakku without the map and BB-8? Retrieving the map was the very reason he was sent to Jakku in the first place, wasn’t it? THIS IS NOT A NITPICK.

  • What is the likelihood, the probability, and the plausibility that the Millenium Falcon, the main villain’s father famous ship, just so happens to be on Jakku…in flying condition…and requires no key, PIN, fingerprint swipe, or other security mechanism to start? It’s possible, yes? But what are the odds? THIS IS NOT A NITPICK.

  • What is the likelihood that Rey would know how to fly the Falcon? Especially so well? THIS IS NOT A NITPICK.

  • Why does Han insist on taking the fugitives to Maz Kanata? Why not just enter hyperspace and take the map and the urgent intel Finn knows directly to the Resistance planet? Why waste time on this pit stop? THIS IS NOT A NITPICK.

  • What is the likelihood and plausibility that Maz would have Luke’s original lightsaber, especially considering we just had to give this movie a major pass on the Millenium Falcon being on Rey’s home planet? One “Get Out of Jail Free” card is understandable…but two? In such a short span of the movie? Yes, it’s possbile Luke’s lightsaber got hung up on some equipment at Bespin, was found, and then somehow delivered to Maz, but how plausible is that, again especially considering all the “Get Out of Jail” we’ve already had to give this movie? THIS IS NOT A NITPICK.

  • Considering the fact that the villains had an exact description of BB-8 and knew it was exactly BB-8 they were searching for – and heroes knew that fact – why did they bring BB-8 into Maz’s bar that’s chock full of sketchy characters? Considering Han, at a minimum, is so street smart, isn’t it just logical he’d say, “Leave that droid here in the Falcon while we go visit Maz”? THIS IS NOT A NITPICK.

  • How plausible is it that Rey was able to use the Force so proficiently when she had not been trained? How was she able to decide to even attempt the Jedi Mind Trick when she had not even, at a minimum, seen someone else do it before? THIS IS NOT A NITPICK.

  • Why was the stormtrooper posted inside the holding cell? Considering Rey’s hands and feet were shackled to that device, why wasn’t he posted outside the cell, outside the closed, locked door? Isn’t that typically the way prisoners are confined? Guard places the prisoner inside the cell…guard steps out of the cell…guard locks the door…guard stands guard outside the door…? THIS IS BORDERLINE NITPICKY.

  • Why did Ren “pray” to Darth Vader’s helmet when Luke, Leia, and Han surely would have told Ren the story of how Darth Vader was redeemed? Ren is shown asking Darth Vader to show him the way to resist the light…but Darth Vader would be the worst person in the galaxy, living or dead, to ask for advice on that topic, wouldn’t he? THIS IS NOT A NITPICK.

  • Why was Rey able to fight so effectively with a lightsaber, especially after we not long before we had to give the movie a “Get Out of Jail Free” card for her being able to pilot the Millenium Falcon? What is the likelihood that this humble orphan would be able to fly the Falcon, do the Jedi Mind Trick, and fight so well with a lightsaber? THIS IS NOT A NITPICK.


@Bosk I didn’t bother to read it. I meant your opinion about TFA, of course, not ESB.


Bosk said:

hydrospanner said:

Bosk said:

Bosk said:

hydrospanner said:

Bosk said:

No new star wars film will EVER match ESB…I don’t understand TFA? If the film was good these negative posts and nitpicking wouldn’t exist. Try and find a bad review pulling Esb to bits. Type problems with tfa in Google and you’ll read pretty much everything mentioned on this site.


here’s some links with regards to TFA problems

https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=the problem with the force awakens

Well one of those links took me to an article with Samuel L Jackson saying he didn’t like the lightsaber fighting in TFA because it wasn’t as good as the ones in the prequels.

even the Vatican hated it http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2015/12/star-wars-the-force-awakens-vatican-review and some crtics had the balls to say what a few think http://www.thewrap.com/star-wars-the-force-awakens-negative-reviews/

Lol and the critics who liked it all don’t have balls and are all lying because they are scared of what exactly?


Smoking Lizard said:

  • After Poe and Finn crash land on Jakku, why did Poe leave Jakku without the map and BB-8? Retrieving the map was the very reason he was sent to Jakku in the first place, wasn’t it? THIS IS NOT A NITPICK.

You are right, its not a nitpick. It’s flawed analysis. As was already explained to you, he would obviously leave Jakku as soon as the rebellion spy droid notified the rebellion that BB-8 was not on Jakku.

This is why I can’t take you seriously when you complain about things in the movie. Other people have legitimate complaints. You have a bunch of stuff that isn’t supported by the actual events in the movie.


TV’s Frink said:

Smoking Lizard said:

  • After Poe and Finn crash land on Jakku, why did Poe leave Jakku without the map and BB-8? Retrieving the map was the very reason he was sent to Jakku in the first place, wasn’t it? THIS IS NOT A NITPICK.

You are right, its not a nitpick. It’s flawed analysis. As was already explained to you, he would obviously leave Jakku as soon as the rebellion spy droid notified the rebellion that BB-8 was not on Jakku.

This is why I can’t take you seriously when you complain about things in the movie. Other people have legitimate complaints. You have a bunch of stuff that isn’t supported by the actual events in the movie.

Can I just post your initial response to his “criticism” of the film? I feel as though you picked him apart better than I did.


the soylent green was stupid, too much special effects and the villian was a whiney, trantrum throwing major burns with force powers, oh and that stupid superweapon, how could the rebels have missed that overrated compensation device being built?


timemeddler said:

the villian was a whiney,

He didn’t whine once in the movie. At least not like Anakin did; stop letting meme culture dictate your thoughts

trantrum throwing

Now this is accurate.


Lord Haseo said:

TV’s Frink said:

Smoking Lizard said:

  • After Poe and Finn crash land on Jakku, why did Poe leave Jakku without the map and BB-8? Retrieving the map was the very reason he was sent to Jakku in the first place, wasn’t it? THIS IS NOT A NITPICK.

You are right, its not a nitpick. It’s flawed analysis. As was already explained to you, he would obviously leave Jakku as soon as the rebellion spy droid notified the rebellion that BB-8 was not on Jakku.

This is why I can’t take you seriously when you complain about things in the movie. Other people have legitimate complaints. You have a bunch of stuff that isn’t supported by the actual events in the movie.

Can I just post your initial response to his “criticism” of the film? I feel as though you picked him apart better than I did.

Might as well not bother. If he’d like to respond to it that would be fun I’m sure, but he’s not interested in logic…unless it’s crazy THAT’S NOT HOW THE REAL WORLD WORKS logical arguments.


Also all the LOL in the world at all the supposed NOT A NITPICK that applies to TFA but not the OT.


those green crackers being sold at a street kiosk, i found it hard to ignore.


hydrospanner said:

Bosk said:

hydrospanner said:

Bosk said:

Bosk said:

hydrospanner said:

Bosk said:

No new star wars film will EVER match ESB…I don’t understand TFA? If the film was good these negative posts and nitpicking wouldn’t exist. Try and find a bad review pulling Esb to bits. Type problems with tfa in Google and you’ll read pretty much everything mentioned on this site.


here’s some links with regards to TFA problems

https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=the problem with the force awakens

Well one of those links took me to an article with Samuel L Jackson saying he didn’t like the lightsaber fighting in TFA because it wasn’t as good as the ones in the prequels.

even the Vatican hated it http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2015/12/star-wars-the-force-awakens-vatican-review and some crtics had the balls to say what a few think http://www.thewrap.com/star-wars-the-force-awakens-negative-reviews/

Lol and the critics who liked it all don’t have balls and are all lying because they are scared of what exactly?

Fan hate mail I’d suppose or just general corporate sheep who have been paid to market SW. As the actors do, you’ll rarely see an actor say a film is crap pre-release.


Smoking Lizard said:

  • Does Luke want to be found at all?

Maybe. We don’t know yet.

If yes, why not just say so?

Why not see what happens in the next movie?

If no, why are we searching for him?

We who? Leia? Rey? The audience? I’m sure you can figure out answers for each of these without having to be told.

If the answer is, it’s a test, why concoct such an absurd test that costs so many innocent people their lives?

I haven’t seen anyone refer to a test. What are you referring to?


Bosk said:

hydrospanner said:

Bosk said:

hydrospanner said:

Bosk said:

Bosk said:

hydrospanner said:

Bosk said:

No new star wars film will EVER match ESB…I don’t understand TFA? If the film was good these negative posts and nitpicking wouldn’t exist. Try and find a bad review pulling Esb to bits. Type problems with tfa in Google and you’ll read pretty much everything mentioned on this site.


here’s some links with regards to TFA problems

https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=the problem with the force awakens

Well one of those links took me to an article with Samuel L Jackson saying he didn’t like the lightsaber fighting in TFA because it wasn’t as good as the ones in the prequels.

even the Vatican hated it http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2015/12/star-wars-the-force-awakens-vatican-review and some crtics had the balls to say what a few think http://www.thewrap.com/star-wars-the-force-awakens-negative-reviews/

Lol and the critics who liked it all don’t have balls and are all lying because they are scared of what exactly?

Fan hate mail I’d suppose or just general corporate sheep who have been paid to market SW.


As the actors do, you’ll rarely see an actor say a film is crap pre-release.

True. But you brought up critics, not actors.


Smoking Lizard said:

  • Considering the fact that the villains had an exact description of BB-8 and knew it was exactly BB-8 they were searching for – and heroes knew that fact – why did they bring BB-8 into Maz’s bar that’s chock full of sketchy characters? Considering Han, at a minimum, is so street smart, isn’t it just logical he’d say, “Leave that droid here in the Falcon while we go visit Maz”? THIS IS NOT A NITPICK.

I agree that it’s not a nitpick to ask why bring BB-8 with to the bar. With that said, how do you get to the fact that the heroes know the villains have BB-8’s description?


that would have been a hillarious plot alternative, Soylent green made from gunguns.


Smoking Lizard said:

I’ve noticed that the general sentiment at other forums like TheForce.net is not as positive about TFA, and the list of critiques I posted here I posted there, and people were far more receptive.

Interesting. I suspected that the demographic here, in a forum seemingly devoted to the OT, would be a bit more receptive to critiques of TFA. I am also surprised to have been called an “OT fanboy” on an OT forum. But, hey, stranger things happen all the time.

I fell foul to this, this forum is seemingly only labeled original trilogy because they tell me it was formed to try and force the restoration of the original theatrical versions, presumably hoping they would be released on Blu Ray? Which, now Disney own it, will DEFINITELY happen. That’s where it ends. I joined (hoping) thinking this forum was full of OT purists, not so. But being called an OT fanboy was amusing and i’m really surprised they are so receptive towards the new installment considering it’s obvious faults.


Why did the Rebellion bring the slow moving and shiny R2-D2 and C-3PO along with the strike team on that covert mission to blow up the shield generator on Endor?


timemeddler said:

those green crackers being sold at a street kiosk, i found it hard to ignore.

Yeah got to say as a nitpick I thought that idea was a bit Mad Max