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Post #894344

Frank your Majesty
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What didn't you like about TFA? SPOILERS
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Date created
7-Jan-2016, 4:05 PM

imperialscum said:

Frank your Majesty said:

imperialscum said:

Frank your Majesty said:

Only if this tunnel’s intention is to throw everything out that enters it. Luke is thrown out in the middle of the tunnel, so we don’t know where it leads and if the lightsaber couldn’t have gone all the way through it and not be thrown out.

Of course there is an intention to throw things out. First of all, there was a mechanism that sucked Luke sideways (I guess to prevent stuff falling into some machinery further down the big vertical shaft). Secondly, the hatch inside the small side tunnel opened when it detected Luke and threw him into another tunnel with a direct vertical opening toward the planet centre. The intention of the system is pretty obvious.

If the tunnels intention was to throw everything out, why didn’t it end at the bottom of Cloud City? Why was it necessary to have another tunnel in the wall that opens conditionally? We don’t even know what triggered the hatch to open, was it Luke’s weight or was it just bad timing (just like it was bad timing that the trash compactor starts with our heros inside)?

I assume you arent an engineer. As I said, the big main shaft could have some function in making the whole city float or stabilised in orbit. You dont want any objects to hit whatever machinery is below, hence smaller side tunnels are there to suck any garbage and divert it.

You assume things to be exactly this specific way to make it implausible, while they could just as well be completely different and allow it to happen. You don’t know anything about the tunnel, stop pulling stuff out of your behind.

Smoking Lizard said:

Frank your Majesty said:

If the tunnels intention was to throw everything out, why didn’t it end at the bottom of Cloud City? Why was it necessary to have another tunnel in the wall that opens conditionally? We don’t even know what triggered the hatch to open, was it Luke’s weight or was it just bad timing (just like it was bad timing that the trash compactor starts with our heros inside)?

A lot of discussion to skirt around the obvious: That Maz having Luke’s original lightsaber is silly.

Why? Because it’s not explained in every detail while the First Order launches an attack?