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Post #893148

I shot first
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The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
4-Jan-2016, 3:35 PM

dahmage said:

The Rathtars. i just don’t like their design, i agree that they feel like MIB monsters. but whatever. its in the movie now. The only other thing that sort of bugs me is in the final snow lightsaber battle (which i love btw), the purplish haze of the two light sabers, the lighting kind of bugs me in some of those shots.

I agree with the rathtars. They’re still too CG for me. But for some reason I didn’t mind them as much after a second viewing. Maybe it’s the fact that I love seeing Han finally kill a guy in an un-heroic manner, WITHOUT HESITATION, when he throws the guy into the rathtar’s mouth. I’m sure Lucas didn’t like that part. On the topic of purple light from the light sabers. I’m pretty confident that lighting is all natural. The light sabers (for the first time in any star wars movie) actually had their own real light source, meaning the props on set actually glowed. And since the 2 sabers are red and blue, what happens when the 2 clash? You get purple.

Here’s a shot from the director of photography on the set: https://www.instagram.com/p/_-vM-yPK6D/?taken-by=dan_mindel