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Post #892847

Lord Haseo
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What didn't you like about TFA? SPOILERS
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Date created
3-Jan-2016, 5:33 PM

imperialscum said:

The two lightsabre duels at the end were just stupid. They were there just for the sake of film having a lightsabre duel. And if they really had to make it like this, at least the dark side guy should kick both of their asses. And please spare your time, I really don’t want to hear dumb arguments such as: “but she practised with pole stick” or “he practised with stun baton”.

Kylo Ren suffered a wound to the chest by Chewi’s bowcaster. He simply shrugged it off and fought anyway. Also he whipped Finn’s ass. Rey was the only one who gave him trouble and that was only when she tapped into The Force.