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Post #891045

TV's Frink
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What didn't you like about TFA? SPOILERS
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Date created
29-Dec-2015, 4:47 PM

Smoking Lizard said:

Protocol Droid said:

So you don’t like the quicksand explanation. Why? Is quicksand impossible?

In an arid desert, yes, quicksand is impossible. The concept of “dry quicksand” has never been demonstrated to exist in nature. Real quicksand, the stuff that occurs naturally, requires lots of water. Here’s a great video demonstrating what quicksand really is:


But hey, it’s a movie. Check your brain at the door, I guess. Movies aren’t supposed to make sense.


Right, because The Force, hyperspace, lightsabers, aliens that live for hundreds of years, blasters, space stations that can blow up a planet, and walking carpets have all been demonstrated to exist in nature.