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Post #890913

Smoking Lizard
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What didn't you like about TFA? SPOILERS
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Date created
29-Dec-2015, 11:37 AM

Protocol Droid said:

Smoking Lizard,

I don’t have a problem with you not liking many aspects of the film. I have a few of the same gripes as well, but the problem with some of your posts is that after saying what you didn’t like, you really don’t explain ‘why’ you don’t like them.

That’s because it should be intuitive why I don’t like them.

WHY don’t you like 2-seater TIE fighters?

Because it’s contrived. It’s overly convenient just to move the poorly written story along, that’s why. We need a spaceship…let’s take a TIE fighter…because that would be so COOL!

So you don’t like the quicksand explanation. Why? Is quicksand impossible?

In an arid desert, yes, quicksand is impossible. The concept of “dry quicksand” has never been demonstrated to exist in nature. Real quicksand, the stuff that occurs naturally, requires lots of water. Here’s a great video demonstrating what quicksand really is:


But hey, it’s a movie. Check your brain at the door, I guess. Movies aren’t supposed to make sense.


Also, some of your gripes are either snarky or sarcastic to the point which makes me wonder if you even liked the film at all?

And you’d be right about this! Out of four stars, I give TFA half a star. And that’s only for Daisy Ridley’s performance. Everything else was really, really bad. At least as bad as the prequels.

WHY is this a problem? BB-8 Knows this is his master’s jacket. He is a droid and has a perfect memory of every detail of the jacket. Rey mistakes Finn is a thief or some kind of bad guy and stops him. Why is this a problem?

Because she smashed him in the face with a blunt weapon?!? Imagine a friend tells you that a guy over there is wearing his friend’s jacket. Would you go over and smash him in the face?!? No! You would say, “Pardon me, may I speak with you a moment? Can you tell me where you got that jacket?”

And let’s not even bother asking the obvious elephant-in-the-room question: Why did Finn even put the stupid jacket on to begin with…on the surface of an arid desert?! Sentimental reasons? Because he wanted to have something to remember Poe by? He was feeling sentimental about a guy he’d met 10 minutes earlier, so let’s put on his jacket and risk dying from heat stroke in an arid desert!

Get it? The reason why Finn put on the jacket wasn’t for a logical reason in the movie’s universe; he put it on because BB-8 needed some way to recognize him. That’s the very definition of contrived.

“Oh no! The First Order is on to us! They’re chasing us!”
Again, WHY is this a problem for you? The First Order is trying to capture a droid and a traitor. They will be chasing them…what were they supposed to do?

Because, again, it’s contrived. Finn has made it perfectly clear that the First Order is looking specifically for BB-8 with a perfect description of what the droid looks like. Yet they make no effort whatsoever at hiding him? Heck, we know the First Order is looking specifically for BB-8 and have an exact description of him. Let’s take him into Maz Kanata’s really, really crowded bar, packed full of sketchy characters who might just be First Order informants!

Guys, it’s sloppy, slapdash, juvenile writing, as if the script was written by an 11-year-old.