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Post #890773

Protocol Droid
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What didn't you like about TFA? SPOILERS
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Date created
28-Dec-2015, 11:43 PM

Smoking Lizard,

I don’t have a problem with you not liking many aspects of the film. I have a few of the same gripes as well, but the problem with some of your posts is that after saying what you didn’t like, you really don’t explain ‘why’ you don’t like them.

Example: “Suddenly the new and improved First Order TIE fighters are two seaters.”

First, this is nonsense. It didn’t happen ‘suddenly’, it took 30 years of improvements. Is Ford still making the same 1985 F150 today? Of course not. Second, there may have been 2 seater TIEs in the OT that we never saw.

But back to the question…
WHY don’t you like 2-seater TIE fighters?
So you don’t like the quicksand explanation. Why? Is quicksand impossible?

Also, some of your gripes are either snarky or sarcastic to the point which makes me wonder if you even liked the film at all?

“But there’s other crashed junk all over the place that hasn’t been swallowed up by the desert.”
Perhaps there was a whole lot more before now and it was gradually swallowed up over many years?

“So BB-8 tells Rey that that random dude is wearing my master’s jacket – or, well, a jacket that looks just like my master’s jacket. So Rey runs over and smashes him in the face with a blunt weapon.”

WHY is this a problem? BB-8 Knows this is his master’s jacket. He is a droid and has a perfect memory of every detail of the jacket. Rey mistakes Finn is a thief or some kind of bad guy and stops him. Why is this a problem?

“Oh no! The First Order is on to us! They’re chasing us!”
Again, WHY is this a problem for you? The First Order is trying to capture a droid and a traitor. They will be chasing them…what were they supposed to do?

I could do this all night, but you get my point. I’m cool if you have dislikes with the film, just explain why and you will likely get the lively discussion you want.