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Post #890501

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What didn't you like about TFA? SPOILERS
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Date created
27-Dec-2015, 10:21 PM

TV’s Frink said:

Rey mentions the quicksand to BB-8 earlier.

Writer #1: “Hey, we need to disappear Poe’s TIE fighter after they crash.”
Writer #2: “Have Rey say something about quicksand in an earlier scene. Done.”
Writer #1: “Awesome! Lunchtime.”

Same deal with Finn and his saber skills.

Writer #1: “How can Finn possibly fight Ren in a saber battle and not get sliced to pieces?”
Writer #2: “Show him fighting a bit earlier with a Stormtrooper who has a saber-like weapon.”
Writer #1: “What value would sword fighting be to a Stormtrooper?”
Writer #2: “It’s Star Wars, man. Just shut off your brain and enjoy the ride.”