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Post #890146

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The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
26-Dec-2015, 6:18 PM

Jetrell Fo said:

As I stated in my original post, I meant no disrespect to anyone, I thought I was pretty clear right out of the gate. I wasn’t calling anyone out. I still won’t. I went in to the movie expecting nothing but a Star Wars adventure with characters I love and I got it.

If that’s condescending in any way then apparently I know nothing about Star Wars and don’t deserve to be a member here.

The drama isn’t necessary.

Your opinion of the film and your having enjoyed it aren’t condescending at all. This is:

It is only now, after reading remarks in this thread, that I see how overly critical some of the fans are. I mean no disrespect to anyone and I will not point out any 1 person, it just seems that some can’t enjoy a movie for what it is

You and I have different opinions about what makes for a good movie, but I don’t think this makes you less discerning or lacking in taste, just like my preferences don’t make me overly critical or unable to enjoy a good movie.