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Post #890100

Jetrell Fo
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The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
26-Dec-2015, 3:41 PM

Jay said:

Jetrell Fo said:

It is only now, after reading remarks in this thread, that I see how overly critical some of the fans are. I mean no disrespect to anyone and I will not point out any 1 person, it just seems that some can’t enjoy a movie for what it is … a joy ride, an escape, a family and friends experience …

This is what you think a movie is. It’s not necessarily what we all think a movie is.

Star Wars definitely falls on the action/adventure side of the scale and shouldn’t receive the same scrutiny as Interstellar, but after ESB, which is a good film in its own right, I expected Star Wars to keep growing up. ROTJ regressed quite a bit, but still had its moments. The prequels couldn’t make up their minds, going back and forth between politics and poop jokes.

If not ESB’s quality, I was at least expecting ESB’s sophistication, especially given the writers. TFA has some really nice dramatic moments in it, and that’s why I give it a 5 or 6 out of 10. The missing four points are for almost a complete lack of originality and general stupidity.

It’s condescending to suggest that because some fans didn’t get what they hoped for from TFA that somehow they don’t understand the point of a movie. I could just as easily suggest that people who eagerly accept TFA-style filmmaking lack sophistication and don’t understand what the art of filmmaking is about — which would make me a pretentious ass.

Anyone who went in wanting ANH, but not expecting it to be quite as good, got what they wanted. People like me, who wanted ESB, but not as good, were disappointed.

As I stated in my original post, I meant no disrespect to anyone, I thought I was pretty clear right out of the gate. I wasn’t calling anyone out. I still won’t. I went in to the movie expecting nothing but a Star Wars adventure with characters I love and I got it.

If that’s condescending in any way then apparently I know nothing about Star Wars and don’t deserve to be a member here.

My apologies to anyone who took it personal.
