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Post #889299

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Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD *
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Date created
23-Dec-2015, 12:09 PM

It is a little amusing to think that as much as KOTOR is praised, it’s basically a rehash of A New Hope/Empire Strikes Back. Central character with unknown Force potential and vague origins, rag tag team meet up in convenient ways, big reveal twist, bad guy running around with a higher up pulling the strings, and mega super weapon of the Empire must be destroyed!
Guess what, it’s still highly praised because it returns to the roots of the OT as much as it can but also is able tell a different story. Even the following sequel of KOTOR goes for a darker angle and ends on an open ended depressing note; Empire Strikes Back anyone?

This goes back to what Mark Hamil said in a behind the scenes short for TFA. “You’ve been here, but you don’t know this story. Nothing’s changed really, I mean everything’s changed, but nothing’s changed.”

The Force Awakens does what we fans have always wanted. We wanted STAR WARS!