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Post #889275

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Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD *
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Date created
23-Dec-2015, 10:49 AM

Smoking Lizard said:

I suspect that “The Force Awakens” will follow the same path as “The Phantom Menace.”

When TPM opened, fans were raving, gushing, ranting about it. Fans were describing it as “awesome,” “amazing,” “sensational.” Some even saying, “Best movie EVER!” Fans everywhere were saying, “I loved it!”

Soon enough, though, the euphoria started to wear off and the fan base started to sober up. Hardened longtime fans had already taken to the Internet to point out the ridiculous nature of TPM’s plot elements: Jar Jar, 8-year-olds accidentally saving the day, midichlorians, the “convenient” coincidences, etc. These early bashers were initially met with ridicule and contempt. Supporters of the movie employed all sorts of logic fallacy to defend the movie: “Obviously you’re WRONG because the movie is making so much money!” When critics pointed out all the silliness, supporters were quick with ridiculous ad hoc reasoning to “explain” weaknesses of the film.

It was all initially fueled by hunger and nostalgia of the fans for more Star Wars movies. Fueled by the hope that Star Wars wasn’t over, that the franchise had a new future. More movies, more merchandise, more excitement, more fun.

But finally the honeymoon ended and the fan base completely came to their senses. They realized TPM is simply an awful movie that largely wrecked the franchise.

And so, rinse and repeat. Here we are today, with an equally bad movie. As critics point out the laughably ridiculous flaws, defenders rush in with contrived ad hoc reasoning to “explain it all away,” and, even better, launch all sorts of ad hominem attacks against the critics.

It’s just movie! The Force made it happen! It’s science fantasy, not science fiction! It’s Star Wars! Blah, blah, blah.


You still haven’t seen the film, right? So I can keep ignoring you? This film was absolutely nothing like TPM. Many, MANY of us were critical walking out of TPM. The people you see gushing in the videos after the premiere were selected because of their reactions. And I’ll bet many of them (the adults at least, such as Kevin Smith) still love the prequels today.

I just love the fact that someone who has not seen the movie and therefore cannot have his own opinion on the movie is so dedicated to invalidating other people’s opinions. Critique something you haven’t seen all you want, but quit telling people they don’t know how they feel.