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Post #888285

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The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
21-Dec-2015, 8:01 AM

TV’s Frink said:

Incidentally, for those who saw it in 3D, what did you think of the 3D? It seems to me that conversions have come a long way, and that this made for a really enjoyable 3D experience.

Having said that, I’m also looking forward to watching it in 2D this coming weekend.

I saw the 2D first and must say that’s the only way I’ll be viewing it from now on, unless I happen across a 70mm theater during the holidays (I just found out that my theater does have the Tarantino film in 70mm, though).

I agree that the conversions are good these days. And mild enough that it doesn’t distract from the movie. The image gets a bit ‘choppy’ (appearing as low frame rate) during fast action, people running, etc. And I felt the darker scenes, such as the first one, were harder to focus on detail. But that might just be me. I really disliked the previews for Civil War and Warcraft, and their unnaturally layered shots. It was impressive looking, but distracting.

The sound was much better in the IMAX viewing, but that’s maybe just because I was in the higher up reserved seating area for 2D. No real complaints about the sound either way, but I’m no audiophile.

Edit: Oh, and the IMAX shots during the Falcon’s escape from Jakku looked really nice. The cockpit shots of the First Order TIE trooper actually stood out as looking really great in IMAX, which I didn’t expect.