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Post #887924

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The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
20-Dec-2015, 12:11 PM

hydrospanner said:

One thing I still am not to fond of is the pull out of light speed behind their shields in order to bypass them… not only did it feel incredibly rushed but it seems like the Star Wars equivalent of Treknobabble, and if it was that easy why bother disabling the shields at all? Couldn’t the X-Wing squadron have just done the same thing to lead into their attack?

Yeah, I really didn’t like that aspect either.

I also hated that they kept saying the word “oscillator”- it just sounds like a word out of scifi, which does not fit in the SW universe (for me, anyway).

I know this is very nitpicky, but: I don’t think it was ever explicitly addressed in the OT, but I always assumed that when a ship was in hyperspace, it wouldn’t be possible for it to communicate with the outside world. Whether the ship is going FTL, or whether it’s in some kind of “hyperspace dimension” or whatever, I never thought they’d be able to radio other people. I think there’s a scene in TFA where the Falcon communicates with the Rebel base while in hyperspace, right?