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Post #887107

Smoking Lizard
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The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
18-Dec-2015, 10:32 AM

OK, guys, I have some questions.

Full disclosure: I have not seen the movie. So I am trying to be fair.

But isn’t this a case of the Emperor is wearing no clothes?

It seems pretty clear that the plot on paper is just a blatant carbon copy of the original movie. Sure, there are some tangential differences, but the essential elements of the movie are identical to the first film.

So knowing this, how can anyone still say this is a good movie?

I understand the practical effects are great, the costumes are great, the special effects are great, and that it’s better than the prequels. I get that. But even knowing and accepting that, how can a carbon copy movie be considered “good”? Aren’t those concepts mutually exclusive?

Why isn’t there more outrage? Why isn’t there a sentiment that, “Hey! We’ve been ripped off! Conned!”

Isn’t this very much a case of parents re-wrapping last year’s Christmas presents?

I’m not being facetious. I’d really like to understand the perspective of other fans, especially those who agree with me that the movie is a copy of ANH but still say it’s good.