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Post #883301

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Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD *
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Date created
3-Dec-2015, 12:32 PM

TK428 said:

It’s probably nothing at all but Adam Driver appeared on the Tonight Show w/Jimmy Fallon last night and when Fallon was talking about his character he said “you play Kylo Ren” and Driver interjected “or Ren Kylo” and then Fallon made a joke about looking him up in a phone book (e.g. Ren, Kylo vs. Kylo, Ren).

I have had a long held suspicion that maybe, just maybe, Ren is Driver’s actual name. And that Kylo is just a title or a total misdirection by Abrams. I know there’s a ton of toys out there and promotional material that says “Kylo Ren” but I can’t help but thing in some way or another Abrams is messing with us (which I LOVE). I want to be surprised.

Abrams has a history of doing this with other projects. most notably the still unseen by me (I don’t dig Star Trek) Star Trek Into Darkness film where he went so far as to publicize a specific character as being “John Harrison” when in actuality the character was Khan. It’s not such a stretch to think that Abrams would do this in Star Wars.

Ren/Rey Solo twins? Kylo some sort of anagram for Skywalker/Solo? Obviously I have too much time on my hands, back to work.

Given that he’s Kylo Ren because he joined The Knights of Ren, the potential switcheroo is just a question of if the title should be a prefix (as with “Darth”) or a suffix (as with, apparently, “Ren”).