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Post #883019

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Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1
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Date created
1-Dec-2015, 3:12 PM

towne32 said:
With all due respect to the person who made and uploaded that DVD5, I would recommend that if someone really wants a DVD copy, they encode their own. There are some serious quality problems with that one (but SW and ESB DVD5s look great!).

I’m fairly sure that the DVD-5 of RotJ that is floating around is one that somebody ran through DVD Shrink, because my conversion used the same method as SW and ESB. It didn’t have a menu. I don’t think it even had hairy_hen’s 5.1 on it. As Darth Mallwalker will you tell you, I’m terrible at keeping copies of my DVD conversions, so I can’t check the disc, but my conversion wouldn’t have looked terrible.

Harmy had better hurry up with the next version so I can make a better conversion available. 😃