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Post #882041

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How will you be watching the saga in preparation for Force Awakens?
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Date created
24-Nov-2015, 8:30 PM

towne32 said:

Darth Id said:

towne32 said:

I feel the same way. On the rare occurrance that I view the six films, I want the PT over and done with…

Serious question: why do you continue repeatedly (albeit “rarely”) to watch movies you do not enjoy?

Not very serious answer: I’m searching for the part of my comment that says I don’t enjoy them at all and finding nothing. It’s a relatively short comment, so I’ll read it a few more times to be sure. I did misspell occurrence, though. I meant to correct it at the time, but I guess I just pressed post.

Slightly more serious answer: I enjoy them in some ways. They aren’t anywhere remotely near the quality of the OT, though. So I don’t want to switch back and forth between the two. I get the idea of machete order for people who want the twists preserved, but I’m not sure what the point is when you know who Palps and Vader are.

For people who have already seen all of Star Wars, watch it in this order:

  1. Star Wars(1977)
  2. The Empire Strikes Back
  3. Revenge of the Sith
  4. Return of the Jedi

You get all the benefits of the Machete Order with none of that romantic dialouge about sand. Attack of the Clones’s main purpose is to contextualize and give necessary information for Revenge of the Sith, but you don’t need to watch it again unless you have terrible memory. I’m calling it THE LUNCHMAN ORDER! Why Lunchman? I don’t know. Another benefit is that these movies have the highest quality releases. Despecialized for the OT and Blu Ray for Revenge of the Sith. The other prequel Blu Rays are all waxy and have too much DNR.