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Post #882036

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How will you be watching the saga in preparation for Force Awakens?
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Date created
24-Nov-2015, 7:34 PM

Darth Id said:

towne32 said:

I feel the same way. On the rare occurrance that I view the six films, I want the PT over and done with…

Serious question: why do you continue repeatedly (albeit “rarely”) to watch movies you do not enjoy?

Not very serious answer: I’m searching for the part of my comment that says I don’t enjoy them at all and finding nothing. It’s a relatively short comment, so I’ll read it a few more times to be sure. I did misspell occurrence, though. I meant to correct it at the time, but I guess I just pressed post.

Slightly more serious answer: I enjoy them in some ways. They aren’t anywhere remotely near the quality of the OT, though. So I don’t want to switch back and forth between the two. I get the idea of machete order for people who want the twists preserved, but I’m not sure what the point is when you know who Palps and Vader are.