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Post #881872

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How will you be watching the saga in preparation for Force Awakens?
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Date created
23-Nov-2015, 4:26 PM

As much as I believe the films should be watched in release order (or at least Machete/Rister order), I want to save the best for last, and of course there is a sense to doing it chronologically. Also, I’ve decided that, while I prefer fan edits, I want to see them all as the were theatrically (which, now that I’m thinking of it, I should probably get a Phantom Menace theatrical preservation). Unlike some I don’t feel the need to gauge my eyes out watching the theatrical PT and I actually have some nostalgia related to those films as well as the OT.

I feel the same way. On the rare occurrance that I view the six films, I want the PT over and done with so that I can be refreshed by the OT.

I’m not sure about all the existing theatrical preservations of the PT. Adywan had one for TPM, but I think it was SD (and no idea if it’s even available anymore). Might as well just get the SD LD-rip or TV rip, then? There is nothing watchable as far as AoTC goes, and RoTS is virtually unchanged (in any meaningful way). I’d suggest Schorman’s HDTV preservations for episodes I and II. Really improves the color timing over the blu-rays, and the DVNR for TPM. Plus, puppet yoda is closer to theatrical, for your interests. Very slight color improvement for RoTS. But the blu-ray is ‘fine’ for that film.