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1977/1981/1997 Crawl Differences


I am wanting to recreate the 1981 crawl for my Blu-Ray Set project I’m working on. From what I am seeing, the actual text and formatting of the '81 crawl are pretty much identical to the '97 crawl, while the star wars logo is pretty much the same in '81 as it was originally in '77. Am I correct or am I missing something? These observations are based on simply viewing one right after the other, so it’s possible I am way off base here.
Are there any other significant changes such as the speed of the crawl itself?


The star field in the '81 crawl is from Empire, but otherwise, it’s pretty much identical to the 97, sans timing.


Is the timing of the SW logo the only timing difference between '81 and '97? Or is the crawl itself differently timed?


I think the actual crawl is timed differently as well. AFAIK, the '77 one is that only one that is timed properly to the music.


IIRC, Harmy’s already made a 1981 crawl/flyover in 720p, as bonus material for a not-yet-created Blu-ray. You could probably just ask him for a link, and save yourself some trouble.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Oh wow I didn’t know about that. Thank you, I’ll shot him a PM and see if he’d be willing, not that it would be particularly difficult otherwise, but certainly easier if it’s already been done haha.


The JSC LD preservation has the 81 crawl. Other than the timing of the text, the 77 and 97 versions are very similar. They use the same starfield, but they don’t pan down the same way. the 97 has a small improvement in the composting of the Star Destroyer that removes a black line that you can see when the tip crosses in front of the larger moon. The 81 version I believe has the identical text to 97, but the starfield is different. It is the one from empire, just offset slightly to the right. And that is all the stars from the moment the music starts until the Star Destroyer passes overhead and it cuts to the next scene. The 81 version also has a recomped Star Destroyer, but the moons are in slightly different positions and I think the timing might be slightly different (my initial review indicated it might be off by one frame, but don’t take my word for it - my memory has been very slippery lately). Also, the blue glow and lens flare of the Star Destroyer is stronger in the 97 version, but I think it is identical in the 81 and 77 version.

All things to check if you are going to use a recreation. You might want to contact team negative1 as I understand they have scanned a print with the 81 crawl.